Tuesday 9 February 2016


by Georgia Hallett

FGM means, female genital mutilation. Many people do not know what this is although it is a huge problem all around the world and is costing many lives of young girls.


FGM is untrained women who cut out the outside of girls’ private parts (down below). When the nurses do this the knives are not sterilised and even sometimes cut them with broken glass which can cause infection. Not only will this cause terrible infection but can be a cause blood loss is also a big risk of death. You have no anaesthetics during this and you aren’t put to sleep either.

Child abuse and human rights

This is against human rights because everyone has a right to privacy and if they haven’t given permission to have this surgery that is against their human rights. Another human right this is against is the right to do what you want with your body and they are forcing you to have this operation it is against you human rights.

If the people are operating on a child of course it is child abuse because they have no pain killer and aren’t put to sleep so the patients are in so much pain.